Complete Genealogical Research

Ancestors search service conditions

Discover who your direct ancestors were through the branches of the four grandparents.

We will arrange for the necessary documents to reconstruct a well-documented family history.
Whether they are birth certificates, baptism, marriage, patterns, press clippings, etc.
The information that appears there allows us to know dates, places, addresses, professions ...

family ancestors research

What products will I receive?

Book of Ancestors

It includes the information ordered by generations, as well as the images of the collected documents, information about the surnames and places of origin of the ancestors.
As an option, in addition to the digital PDF version, the book is printed in DIN A4 and handcrafted with hard covers.

original certificates

Original documents

Folder with all the original documents updated during the genealogical study, so that you have proof of the veracity of the data.

direct ancestors genealogical chart

Family chart

Genealogical scheme comprising parents, 4 grandparents, 8 great-grandparents, 16 great-grandparents, etc. up to the contracted generation level.

information of the family history research in a pendrive

Pen drive

Pen Drive with the ancestors book in PDF format, the digitized documents and a GEDCOM file with genealogical information.

What information will I find in the Genealogical Research?

The objective of the investigation will be to obtain, as a minimum, the name and the first surname of each and every one of the ancestors direct (not siblings) corresponding to the type of investigation and contracted option.

Logically, the data is obtained from documentation that we look for in civil and ecclesiastical archives, be they birth certificates, baptism, marriage, registration, wills, notarial acts, press, etc. Depending on the type of document that is necessary to consult for the identification of each person, one or another information will be obtained (dates, locations, professions, positions, etc.), all this information is included in the Book of Ancestors that is delivery.

The images of the documents are also included in the book of ancestors.
In the cases in which the norms of the consulted file do not allow the reproduction of the documents, the reference (volume and page) of the document will appear.

Our commitment is to not charge for ancestors whose identity (minimum, name and first last name) could not be found, so that they will be discounted proportionally from the budgeted price, without passing on to the client the expenses produced in the search for ancestors that for any reason could not finally be identified.

Except for extraordinary cases in which there is a special interest in some specific data, our research does not seek to identify collateral ancestors (brothers, cousins ​​or descendants of these).

How far can you go in the genealogical research?

In any genealogical study you can go deeper as long as there is written documentation related to the people we are looking for.
This limit usually coincides with the appearance of the parish records, in the middle of the 16th century, although sometimes it is possible to go back even further back in time.

In the event that you are interested in a more extensive investigation than that offered on the web, we recommend our PREMIUM Service. Once that first objective is achieved, we will prepare a personalized budget to continue deepening the study of ancestors.

You should also bear in mind that during any family investigation, obstacles may appear that make it impossible to identify any person or branch (for example, destroyed files, children of unknown parents or single mother, etc.)

For this reason, we are committed to calculating the final price by applying a proportional discount to direct ancestors whose identity could not be documented with at least a first and last name, if any of these cases occurs.
search for genealogical information in documents

Graphical Representation of the Family Tree of Ancestors

If we want, we can also offer a Graphic Representation of the data obtained in the research.

Our design team proposes to you, before sending the work to the press, the most suitable size for your poster, prioritizing good visibility of the information so that the text is easily readable. At that time you can give your compliance to the recommended size or request a different one.

Of the information collected during the study, in the graphic representation shown, for reasons of space, the following data for each person:

What data is needed to start?

To start professional genealogical research, only the name and surname of the main person, as well as their date and place of birth, are essential.

However, the rest of the data that you enter in the application form related to parents and grandparents will serve to speed up the investigation, and to be able to contrast the documented information with that assumed by the family.

In the form you will also find an Observations section where you can freely write any comment or additional information.


Check the prices of the different Genealogical Research options that we offer, according to the level of generations you want to know.

You can complete your research with the Graphic Representation of the family tree and the printing and binding of the ancestors' book.
On the same page you will find the form to order the study. The prices indicated include VAT and delivery costs.

If you are interested in an even more extensive investigation, you can order the PREMIUM Service and once this objective is completed, we will prepare a personalized budget for the extension of the investigation.

View prices

Payment of the Service

All Genealogical Research services require a minimum advance of 30% of the total budget.
Before starting the job, we will confirm the conditions in your particular case by email and we will request your agreement.

We also accept partial payments for the duration of the study.

You can pay by bank transfer or credit card with total security, either through Paypal or through the payment gateway of our bank. does not have access in any case to the information related to your credit card. The information is sent directly to the banking platform using encryption technology that allows it to be transmitted securely, communicating to Abueling.

Payment methods

Wire transfer Bank transfer image
Credit card Credit card and Paypal logos
Western Union Western Union logo

Delivery term

The genealogical research work can be delayed depending on the difficulties that we find during the consultations in the different historical archives, parishes, etc., but in the table of prices you will find the estimated delivery time for each option.

During this time, at all times you can be informed through our website of the status of the research, consulting whenever you want your updated report on the status of the genealogical research.

Of course, we are always at your disposal for any questions also by phone or email.
Rigid cardboard cylindrical tube for sending the family tree poster


A bubble padded envelope is delivered with the Ancestor Book, Document Folder and USB Flash Drive.

The label with the family tree is sent inscribed in a cylindrical rigid cardboard tube.

Shipments are made by certified mail or by courier, depending on the urgency required.
In any case, the shipping number is communicated to the customer to be able to track it online.

Additional copies

Both in the case of the sheet with the Family Tree and the book of ancestors it is possible to make additional copies identical to the original or personalized, modifying, for example, the main person. In any case, the price of the copies will depend on the cost of printing, depending on the size of the sheet or the number of pages of the book of ancestors.

Is my data safe?

Of course. Both the information provided by the client and that obtained by us in the course of genealogical studies is treated with the utmost confidentiality. See privacy policy.

Only the personal data of the company itself, of the printing providers and of the public or private files that are strictly necessary to consult, who undertake to comply with all current legal provisions regarding the use and disclosure of information, have access to family data.


For us the most important thing is the total satisfaction of our clients, for this reason, Abueling guarantees the repetition of the work without any charge in any of the following cases: In order to reinforce the trust that clients place in us, our company Servicios Genealógicos Abueling SL

Yes, but ... I have other questions.

If you have any questions, you can write us an email, or contact us by chat. We will be happy to assist you in a personalized way.
